
Below are prayers that you can say alone or in community, as preparation or in gratitude for your visit to the Basilicas:

Saint Peter

Lord Jesus,

You who called the Apostle Peter

to cast the nets of life

resting on Your Word,

and who after his denial, you restored in love,

help me to cast the nets of my life

trusting in your Word,

and in the strength of your merciful love.

In this holy place that conserves

the relics and the memory of the Apostle Peter,

confirm me in your love.


Saint John

Lord Jesus,

revive in me the memory of my Baptism

to journey in the new life and

contemplate your Mystery.

In this holy place that conserves

the memory of Saint John the Baptist and of the Apostle John,

help me renew my faith in You,

who are Love.


Saint Mary, Mother of God

under your protection

I seek refuge in moments of joy and pain,

and have come to entrust my prayer

to your intercession.

In this holy place that conserves

your living memory,

help me to say trustfully

“Behold, I am your servant” to your Son Jesus,

Our Lord. 


Saint Paul

Lord Jesus,

In this holy place that conserves

the relics and the living memory of the Apostle Paul,

I abandon myself to You,

that you hold the meaning of my life.

Give me the courage of Paul,

to bear witness in every circumstance

to my belonging to you;

Give me his freedom and his joy,

To tell with life and word,

of your Love.



Holy Spirit,

Guide us as you guided the saints before us,

grant that we may be transformed

by the gift of Christ's salvation,

to break bread with others,

and to share with them the light and the love

of the baptismal call,

to rediscover ourselves as beloved children at the table of God the Father.